SBW Berlin Scholarship 2024
SBW Berlin Scholarship 2024
SBW Berlin Scholarship 2024 Details:
The SBW Berlin Scholarship for International Students supports talented young people from abroad who have already shown social commitment and who use the skills they have acquired during their studies during and after their studies in social projects at a non-profit/social organization in their home countries.
Our scholarship recipients work on social projects during their studies in Berlin. Ideally, these projects are part of the charitable work of organizations based in their home countries and/or contribute to improving living conditions there.
After successfully completing their studies, our scholarship recipients are expected to continue the projects in their home countries and to advance them through the skills they have acquired here. SBW Berlin continues to support them in an advisory capacity.
منحة SBW برلين في ألمانيا 2024: فرصة مميزة للدراسة في قلب أوروبا
نبذة عن ألمانيا
تُعدّ ألمانيا من الدول الأوروبية الرائدة في مجال التعليم والبحث العلمي، وتتمتع بجامعاتها العريقة وبرامجها الدراسية المتنوعة. كما تُعرف ألمانيا بثقافتها الغنية وتاريخها العريق، وتوفر بيئة آمنة ومستقرة للعيش والدراسة.
تُعدّ منحة SBW Berlin من أبرز المنح الدراسية التي تُقدمها مؤسسة SBW Berlin الألمانية للطلاب الدوليين المتميزين الراغبين في إكمال دراستهم الجامعية في ألمانيا. تهدف المنحة إلى دعم وتمكين الطلاب من مختلف أنحاء العالم من تحقيق أحلامهم الأكاديمية واكتساب خبرات دولية قيّمة.
نبذة عن مؤسسة SBW برلين
تُعدّ مؤسسة SBW Berlin منظمة غير ربحية تأسست عام 2006 تهدف إلى دعم وتمكين الشباب من خلال برامج تعليمية وتدريبية متنوعة. تُركز المؤسسة على برامج تبادل الطلاب وبرامج تطوير مهارات القيادة والريادة، وتسعى إلى بناء جسور التواصل بين الشباب من مختلف الثقافات.
شروط التقديم لمنحة SBW برلين
- أن يكون المتقدم حاصلاً على شهادة الثانوية العامة بمعدل لا يقل عن 80%.
- إتقان اللغة الألمانية أو الإنجليزية بمستوى عالٍ.
- إثبات التفوق الأكاديمي والأنشطة اللامنهجية.
- تقديم خطاب دافع يشرح أهداف المتقدم من الدراسة في ألمانيا وكيفية مساهمته في المجتمع.
- تقديم خطابين توصية من أساتذة أو مشرفين سابقين.
مميزات منحة SBW Berlin
- تغطية كاملة لرسوم الدراسة في الجامعة.
- منحة شهرية قدرها 800 يورو لتغطية تكاليف المعيشة.
- فرصة المشاركة في برامج تبادل الطلاب وبرامج تطوير مهارات القيادة والريادة.
- تكوين شبكة علاقات مع طلاب وخبراء من مختلف أنحاء العالم.
نصائح للتقديم لمنحة SBW Berlin
- تأكد من استيفاء جميع شروط التقديم بدقة.
- ابدأ في التحضير مبكرًا لجمع جميع المستندات المطلوبة.
- اكتب خطاب دافع قوي يبرز مهاراتك وإنجازاتك وأهدافك المستقبلية.
- احصل على خطابين توصية من أساتذة أو مشرفين سابقين يشهدون على قدراتك الأكاديمية.
- استعد جيدًا لمقابلة التقديم (إن وجدت).
ملخص منحة SBW في ألمانيا 2024
تُعدّ منحة SBW Berlin فرصة استثنائية للطلاب الدوليين الموهوبين من أجل تحقيق أحلامهم الأكاديمية واكتساب خبرات دولية قيّمة. ننصح جميع الطلاب المهتمين بالدراسة في ألمانيا بالتقديم لهذه المنحة والاستفادة من مزاياها العديدة.
For more information on the SBW Berlin Scholarship for International Students, including the application and selection process, please refer to the relevant guidelines and criteria.
The SBW Berlin scholarship for international students supports young people from abroad who
are already socially committed and will use the skills they acquire during their studies and
thereafter to develop social or non-profit projects at non-profit organizations or social institutions
in their home countries.
SBW Berlin awards scholarships based on professional qualifications, personal suitability, and
financial need1
to pursue a bachelor’s or master’s degree program at a university or a university
of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) in Berlin or Potsdam. In principle, all scientific, social, and
artistic disciplines can be funded.
In special cases, the scholarship may support a vocational training in Berlin or Potsdam.
Working with a non-profit/social organization in the home country of interested applicants is an
important prerequisite for the SBW Berlin Scholarship. The focus is on the applicants’ previous
social commitment and their general motivation for this. After the study program or the funding
period ends, scholarship recipients continue their social projects at the non-profit organization or
social institution and further develop their projects on site in their respective home country.
The intention to pursue their professional goals for at least 18 months after the end of the funding
period or graduation in their respective home countries or to engage in non-profit work in
Germany, considering however a notarized repayment plan2
, and to continue participating in
regular meetings with SBW Berlin discussing their professional development (project and job) are
other important requirements for the SBW Berlin scholarship for international students.
Beginning with the funding period, SBW Berlin supports all scholarship recipients to work towards
their professional goals. Where possible, this is done by putting the content of the study programs
into practice as part of their project work and by collaborating with the non-profit/social institution
in their home country.
The scholarship does not cover any funding in other German federal states or abroad.
Any funding after the regular study or vocational training period has ended is unattainable.
II.SBW Berlin’s Expectations for Applicants and Incoming Scholarship
The SBW Berlin scholarship program supports scholarship recipients during their studies in Berlin
or Potsdam but there are also expectations of SBW Berlin associated with it.
Our scholarship program focuses on the scholarship recipients’ social commitments and the
development of non-profit/social projects in their respective home country. In collaborations with
a local non-profit organization or social institution, the scholarship recipients work on their own
projects, which they present during the application process by submitting a project description.3
All projects aim to support people in need and the non-profit or social institution’s objectives and
have a greater benefit for society, in general.
Guidelines and Criteria for the SBW Berlin Scholarship
for International Students
While participating in our scholarship program, all scholarship recipients attend additional
workshops at SBW Berlin, prepare project reports, and give lectures or presentations on their
projects. All scholarship recipients benefit from SBW Berlin’s consistent mentorship for example
in form of regular discussions about the projects etc.
It is therefore expected that applicants prove their motivation for non-profit/social work and their
collaboration (previous and henceforth) with a non-profit organization or social institution in their
respective home countries in the form of a letter of recommendation written by this non-profit
organization or social institution.4
To support the application for the SBW Berlin Scholarship, it is
necessary for the non-profit/social institution to explain how the course of study and social project
selected by the applicant supports the orientation or objective of the institution and specify the
areas of responsibility for which the applicant has been responsible within the non-profit/social
institution to date or will be responsible after graduation. The aim is therefore to ensure that there
will be a lively exchange between the scholarship recipients, the non-profit organization or social
institution in the scholarship recipients’ home countries, and SBW Berlin during and after the
funding or study period.
If scholarship recipients do not intend to return to their home countries after the end of the
sponsorship or the end of their studies, the scholarship recipients must repay the scholarship. In
these cases, a repayment agreement is concluded, which must be notarized.5
This means that
the scholarships or the monetary payments made by SBW Berlin to date must be repaid in 12
monthly installments without interest, starting three months after the end of the funding or
standard period of study. This can pose a major challenge and deep burden. It is therefore
important to note that there could be cheaper alternatives if applicants and scholarship recipients
intend to stay in Germany from the start.
All scholarship recipients work proactively on their projects during the funding period and can also
prove this at any time. They are required to work between 2 and 8 hours per week on the social
In addition, good academic performance is excepted
Who can apply?
Foreign nationals, whose home countries appear to have a particular need for development
Holders of a student visa for Germany or a residence permit with the purpose of taking up
or carrying out a course of study in Germany
Students whose studies in Germany are already being funded by another scholarship are not
eligible to apply.
An exception to this rule is assistance under the Federal Education Assistance Act (BAföG). In
this case, the amount of the scholarship is adjusted according to the BAföG allowance.
Application Requirements
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
Between 18 and 30 years old
Professional or volunteer experience in the non-profit/social sector (proven by a social
institution’s letter of recommendation)
Able to prove that they have not stayed in Germany for more than 18 months before the
Qualification for university entrance
Intention to work in their country of origin for at least 18 months after graduation or to
engage in non-profit work until the repayment plan has been fulfilled
Able to prove a relatively low net income9
Average grades corresponding to a German grade point average of at least 2.010
No first-degree family members who reside permanently in Germany
Application before the start of their university education or fully enrolled in the first, second
or max. third semester at a state-recognized university (in Germany or abroad) or
application for a master’s degree shortly before or after obtaining a bachelor’s degree
Applications which do not meet all the requirements stated above cannot be considered.
V. Deadlines and Application Documents
SBW Berlin does not charge any application or processing fees.
There is no fixed application deadline; applications are accepted all year round.
When applying for the scholarship, proof of the applicant’s social commitment in the form of a
letter of recommendation from a non-profit organization or social institution is required. The nonprofit organization or social institution submits the letter on behalf of the applicant as a PDF to
[email protected]. After carefully reviewing the letter, outstanding prospects will be granted
access to the application form.
Only complete applications can be considered. Applicants must submit at least the following
Letter of recommendation from a non-profit organization or social institution or one of
SBW Berlin’s partner organization (by email)
Application form (A link will be shared with outstanding applicants.)